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地球之肺都黑了! 亞馬遜森林大火連燒3星期

#亞馬遜 #森林大火 #雨林 #環保 #火災 #人為 #寰宇 #全球暖化



根據巴西國家太空研究所(National Institute for Space Research, Inpe)公布針對亞馬遜雨林的調查報告,指出透過衛星影像發現,截至目前為止,2019年一共發生了 7萬2843起大火,比2018年的同一期間上升了83%,也是自2013年有紀錄以來,火災頻率最高的一年。

亞馬遜雨林發生大火,連續燒了三個禮拜。圖/取自臉書Greenpeace 綠色和平

亞馬遜雨林森林大火。圖/臉書Greenpeace 綠色和平

國家太空研究所在報告中指出,雖然森林在乾季時也可能出現野火,但今年發生的火災次數和平常在乾季會發生的火災次數並不相符。 國家太空研究所的研究人員賽澤爾(Alberto Setzer)在受訪時說:「乾季確實提供大火蔓延一個有利的條件,但引發大火是人類的傑作,不論是有意或是無意。」

臉書《Greenpeace 綠色和平》也發文指出,這場大火面積龐大,包括亞馬遜雨林、加那利群島雅典外郊和西伯利亞森林全部都在燃燒,而為什麼森林大火越來越頻繁、越來越難撲滅?是因為高溫,因為乾旱,而高溫與乾旱源自氣候變遷,氣候變遷始於人類過量的碳排放,有時更心痛的是人類因商業利益,而做出焚燒雨林的行為,追根究底,我們都是那點火的人。

圖/取自臉書Greenpeace 綠色和平

亞馬遜雨林森林大火。圖/臉書Greenpeace 綠色和平

奧斯卡影帝李奧納多狄卡皮歐,長期關注環保議題,這次也發文希望讓大家重視全球暖化對大自然所造成的反擊。取自/@leonardodicaprio instagram


#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: The lungs of the Earth are in flames. 🔥 The Brazilian Amazon—home to 1 million Indigenous people and 3 million species—has been burning for more than two weeks straight. There have been 74,000 fires in the Brazilian Amazon since the beginning of this year—a staggering 84% increase over the same period last year (National Institute for Space Research, Brazil). Scientists and conservationists attribute the accelerating deforestation to President Jair Bolsonaro, who issued an open invitation to loggers and farmers to clear the land after taking office in January.⁣ ⁣ The largest rainforest in the world is a critical piece of the global climate solution. Without the Amazon, we cannot keep the Earth’s warming in check. ⁣ ⁣ The Amazon needs more than our prayers. So what can YOU do?⁣ ⁣ ✔ As an emergency response, donate to frontline Amazon groups working to defend the forest. ⁣ ✔ Consider becoming a regular supporter of the Rainforest Alliance’s community forestry initiatives across the world’s most vulnerable tropical forests, including the Amazon; this approach is by far the most effective defense against deforestation and natural forest fires, but it requires deep, long-term collaboration between the communities and the public and private sectors. ✔ Stay on top of this story and keep sharing posts, tagging news agencies and influencers. ⁣ ✔ Be a conscious consumer, taking care to support companies committed to responsible supply chains.⁣ Eliminate or reduce consumption of beef; cattle ranching is one of the primary drivers of Amazon deforestation. ✔ When election time comes, VOTE for leaders who understand the urgency of our climate crisis and are willing to take bold action—including strong governance and forward-thinking policy.⁣ ⁣ #RainforestAlliance #SaveTheAmazon #PrayForAmazonia #AmazonRainforest #ActOnClimate #ForestsResist #ClimateCrisis 📸: @mohsinkazmitakespictures / Windy.com

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